Thursday, July 25, 2013

Another update

Past time for another update on my weight loss.................I am down a total of 19 pounds..........not as much as I had hoped for being in the middle of the third month, but I will take it none the less! I know if I had made the time to exercise on a more regular basis I would have lost more. Time to put the laptop back on the treadmill! Even though it isn't a lot, I do notice a difference in how I feel. I have not had any trouble with my knee or my feet lately. And I really like the fact that my clothes feel a lot looser! I haven't taken any measurements lately, but am sure I have lost some inches because nothing is tight or snug anymore! My goal is to loose a total of 65 pounds. I am hoping when I get to my goal weight I will be able to maintain it. My attitude towards food is changing for the better I think. I stop to think about what I am putting in my body more and decide if it is really worth the extra calories! : )

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